Outstanding 5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay Outline

A persuasive essay is one that seeks to convince a reader of a point, and this is achieved through the use of convincing points arranged in a defined order. Often, people tend to forget or neglect the importance of this order, writing their essay in a way that suits them.

The order in which the essay must be written ensures that the points and facts gathered and present in the essay give it a higher chance of thoroughly convincing the reader of the point. If you do not know the correct order, or if you have not been following it properly, then read on to correct that. In this article, the correct order or outline will be given, as well as helpful insights on how to write a 5 paragraph persuasive essay.

5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay Outline

A 5 paragraph persuasive essay is one that accurately and completely achieves its aim of persuading the readers in just 5 paragraphs. This might seem impossible at first glance, but it is highly possible and highly effective, especially if you want to write a short essay.

Below is the guide you need to write a 5 paragraph persuasive essay, in the form of a 5 paragraph persuasive essay outline:

The Introduction

Paragraph 1

Your first paragraph is one of the most important steps in your whole essay. This paragraph is where the introduction comes in, and it is the first opportunity you have to persuade your reader.

This paragraph should not be too long and should flawlessly present your case before your reader. This paragraph should be written in a way that it provides hour6 readers with a back story or background information about your topic. To end this paragraph, you should state in clear terms, the topic or thesis you are writing about.

The Body

Paragraph 2

Right after your introduction, the body comes next, and in this 5 paragraph persuasive essay example, the body will span across the next three paragraphs. Throughout the body, you are to persuade your readers using previously prepared points, in order of increasing strength.

Going by this order, the first paragraph will contain at least one point of your essay. The points of your essay will be arranged from the weakest or least persuasive to the most persuasive as the essay progresses.

Paragraph 3

This paragraph should contain new points that support your thesis. In order, this point should be stronger than the last point or points in the previous paragraph. That way, you hit them with more facts and statistics that are both solid and irrefutable.

Paragraph 4

In this paragraph, your new point should be the strongest. Detail and structure your words and terms in a way that you end up with a list of points that convince your readers from a low level of intensity, importance or strength to a higher level.

The Conclusion

Paragraph 5

This paragraph should be used to wrap up your essay. Now that you have presented your points to your readers in compelling words, what is left to do is to conclude.

Remind the readers of the salient points, in brief words, and leave them with a definitive phrase. This phrase will help you put the final touch in the minds of your readers, leaving them with a call to action or a conviction that your points have been passed across effectively.

Also, your conclusion should tell your readers just how your points go to prove that your thesis is correct or salient. Show your readers why they should follow your idea, and leave them with a call to action.

Helpful Tips on How to Write a 5 Paragraph Persuasive Essay

Now that you know how your 5 paragraph persuasive essay should look like, here are some tips to help you drive home your points:

  1. Take a Stand from the Start

Right from the beginning, make your stand known. Be firm in stating your thesis, and with every point you make, make sure it supports your thesis.

  1. Avoid Unnecessary Digressions

The reason for your outline is to provide you with a stable enough structure to guide you. The outline is also there to make sure that you don’t put in any unnecessary details or stray too far from the main points you have drafted out.

  1. As a bonus, learn to use phrases where necessary.

There is a phrase for every purpose, so whatever you intend to do, know that there is a right phrase to use, and it has its accompanying purpose. For joining points or statements, a phrase like “in addition to” is perfect to use.

To help you understand how to write a 5-paragraph persuasive essay properly, here is an extended sample outline on the topic:


Goal: To convince the audience that people should donate their organs after death.


  • In the United States, 20 people die each day waiting on an organ transplant! (organdonor.gov)
  • In addition to this, every ten minutes, someone is added to the national transplant waiting list (LiveOnNY.org)
  • But, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, one organ donor can save up to eight lives.
  • Question: Ask yourselves, “as a human being, should I help my fellow man or woman?” Should you donate your organs after death to save the lives of others?

    Yes, we should donate our organs after death because it gives us the chance to save a life, it allows us to improve the lives of others, and it advances the human race.


    Reason 1: It gives us a chance to save a life.

    1. Example 1 – According to Moritsugu, MPH, well over 110,000 U.S. citizens are waiting on organ transplants, and out of this bunch, a great deal of them are experiencing end stage organ failure. It is literally life or death for these individuals.
    2. Example 2 – According to the U.S. Department of Health &Human Services, one organ donor can save up to eight lives. Simply by donating organs after death, the chances of eight lives being saved increases.
    3. Example 3 – Tissue and eye donation from the deceased can also help save lives as well, according to LiveOnNY.org.  

    Reason 2:  It allows us to improve the lives of others.

    1. Example 1 – Corneal tissue transplantation can restore an individual’s sight and/or repair someone’s eardrums, nasal septum, or gums, according to saving-sight.org. This can improve the life of someone with poor vision.
    2. Example 2 – According to Burra, MD, organ transplantation can improve the overall health of individuals suffering from end-stage organ failure. This, in turn, improves the overall quality of their life.
    3. Example 3 – In a study conducted to determine the quality of life (QOL) of individuals before and after organ transplantation, performance and QOL improved in four different types of transplants (Pension et al., 2000).

    Reason 3: Organ donation after death advances the human race.

    1. Example 1 – According to Healthtalk.org, brain donation has helped with the discovery and treatment of certain illnesses such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
    2. Example 2 – According to sciencecare.org, on average, one donor contributes to about six research projects, and in addition to this, whole body donation has contributed to research, the development of new medical practices, and treatments of various types of cancer.
    3. Example 3 – Donating organs after death for research use aids in the advancement of our knowledge of health and the human body, which in turn allows mankind to advance in medicine by becoming more knowledgeable about specific illnesses and overall wellness. 


    Summary: In closing, organ donation after death gives one the opportunity to contribute to a cause greater than themselves. One is able to save lives, improve the lives of others, and contribute to the advancement of the human race in ways unimaginable. What’s more heroic than this?

    Works Cited

    Burra, Patrizia, and Manuela De Bona. “Quality of life following organ transplantation.” Transplant International, vol. 20, no. 5, 20 Nov. 2006, pp. 397–409., doi:10.1111/j.1432-2277.2006.00440.x.

    “Important Information about Cornea Donation.” Cornea Donation Facts | Saving Sight, saving-sight.org/cornea-donation-facts. Accessed 10 Sept. 2017.

    “. LiveOnNY.” New York Organ Donor Network, www.liveonny.org/about-donation/data/. Accessed 10 Sept. 2017.

    Moritsugu, Kenneth P. “The Power of Organ Donation to Save Lives Through Transplantation.” Public Health Reports, Association of Schools of Public Health,      Aug. 2013, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3675206/. Accessed 10 Sept. 2017.

    “Non-Transplant Tissue Bank.” Science Care, www.sciencecare.com/medical-research-projects/. Accessed 10 Sept. 2017.

    “Organ Donation Statistics.” Organ Donation Statistics: Why be an Organ Donor?, HRSA, www.organdonor.gov/statistics-stories/statistics.html. Accessed 10 Sept. 2017.

    Pinson, C. Wright, et al. “Health-Related Quality of Life After Different Types of Solid Organ Transplantation.” Annals of Surgery, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 23 Oct. 2000, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1421192/. Accessed 10 Sept. 2017.

    With this article, you now have everything you need to ace your persuasive essay.

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